History and Vision

The International College of Semiconductor Technology (ICST) was founded as the first of its kind in 2015 to nurture cross-disciplinary talents with global mobility for the semiconductor industry. ICST is nurtured as per the guidance of Taiwan government and industrial elites, along with teaching excellence and research capability from college of electrical and computer science as foundation. Building on the basis of electrical engineering, material science, mechanical engineering, the curriculum is spread over college of electronic engineering, college of engineering(department of material science and mechanical engineering) and college of science (department of electro-physics and applied chemistry). The vertical cross-disciplinary professions combined through colleges comes together in ICST to nourish international industrial elites in the semiconductor field.

The College targets at “leading the industry with academy development, making Taiwan a leader in international semiconductor technology and guiding Taiwan to establish a key position in the emerging technology industry”. The ultimate goal to shape National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University as a “Great University” where innovation is nurtured. A progressing, world-class semiconductor research and development center and a new cradle for cultivating international semiconductor technology talents.