本院首位IIT印度理工學院雙聯博士畢業生Dr. Pawan Kumar Tripathi

🥳🥳🥳Let me introduce the very first graduate of ICST X IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Dual/Joint Degree Program!
👏Dr. Pawan Kumar Tripathi👏
He was IIT-Kanpur phD student and came to Taiwan in Sep, 2019 for studying dual degree program. Under NYCU Prof. Yu-Chieh Lo’s
(Dept of Materials Science and Engineering) and IITK Prof. Somnath Bhowmick’s instructions, Dr. Pawan completed all required course works and publications after 5-semester hard work in Taiwan.
👍He performed well in his oral defense, and all committee members give a high appraisal to him.
👍After Dr. Pawan’s graduation, he went to Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Ohio, USA 🇺🇸 as a postdoctoral research fellow.
ICST welcomes more IIT students join our Dual/Joint Degree Program. We believe that the experiences and accomplishments from this learning journey achieves a better career and future.🤗
👏隆重介紹本院首位IIT印度理工學院雙聯博士畢業生Dr. Pawan Kumar Tripathi。👏
Dr. Pawan為材料系羅友杰老師與IIT-Kanpur Prof. Somnath Bhowmick共同指導學生,Dr. Pawan離鄉背井在台灣兩年多,不受疫情干擾,順利完成學業。
畢業後,Dr. Pawan將前往🇺🇸美國俄亥俄州凱斯西儲大學進行博士後研究,相信經過NYCU X IITK的淬煉,Dr. Pawan的職業生涯會更光明燦爛。
也期待更多學生加入ICST X IIT雙聯計畫,擁抱美好未來。🤗